Award Recipients
2023 Instructional Award Recipient
Cheney Luttich
Developmental English Instructor
Cheney is an active proponent of diversity education and global education at SCC. She incorporates guest speakers, lessons, texts, media, and other materials that highlight and encourage students to explore diverse voices and perspectives through discussion, writing, and reflecting in her courses. She utilizes emotional intelligence to address issues that arise that could be divisive to provide a safe space for her students to actively explore diverse ideas and elevates discourse to include looking at situations from a global perspective.
2022 Instructional Award Recipient
Cara Benedict
Humanities Co-Chair
What I notice even more is Benedict's passion to connecting people from diverse backgrounds here at the college. Benedict has arranged for several social events between a diverse set of people bringing together people who otherwise might not have met. Several of these colleagues have formed friendships outside of the college. These people go out into the community for casual outings, for example dinner, hikes, movies, and cultural events like the community festivals last fall, specifically the Asian Festivals and the Latino festivals. These actions fit solidly into the college's mission statement as they "empower" and "transform" diverse learners and communities in our area and encourage lifelong learning.
2022 Staff Award Recipient

Lindsay Dickinson
LRC Specialist
Lindsay has become involved with the Global Education mission here on the Milford Campus. Lindsay worked hard on the International Students day activities. She has also become an advocate for extending our resources, especially with books and ebooks to include the Global Education focus-special international holidays and the book club selections. She is marketing those resources through the Milford newsletter (The Happen In's), and book displays in the LRC. She has chosen to participate not because of work requirements, but because she sees the value and enhancement for the Milford Campus student body!
2021 Instructional Award Recipient
Dr. Courtney Bruntz
Associate Dean of Arts & Sciences
Dr. Bruntz was hired to support, supervise, evaluate, and develop faculty. Much of her position requires her to be observing faculty and conducting faculty appraisals. She had found meaningful ways to integrate global education ideals into the work she is expected to do but then goes so far beyond with the creation of opportunities for us all to learn and grow and connect within the college and the community. She has represented the college in the community at global/international/spiritual events and presentations and kept her global ed-related work of publishing in her field, teaching classes for OLLI, and participating in other community events active as well. She sets an excellent example for us all.