Stu Osterthun, administrative director for marketing and communications, is retiring from Southeast Community College after 16 years of service effective May 17, 2024. His last day in the office was March 29.
Southeast Community College released the names of 2,614 students who earned a spot on the Dean’s List for the 2024 Spring Semester which ended on May 17.
On April 12, 2024, Al Brunkow closed the loop on his 42-year career at Southeast Community College. To say he has seen some changes in the College is an understatement.
Graduating in 1989 with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Human Services, Dani Klute decided to make a career change. In 2010, she returned to college as a non-traditional student on the same day her oldest son started college.
Sometimes you know early on what you want your career path to look like. That is the case for Rebecca Christ as she always knew she wanted to be a nurse.
Susan Drumm Brewer enrolled in the Business program at the SCC Fairbury Campus, graduating in 1979 with an associate degree with a financial services focus.