Updated Beatrice Campus Master Plan
Ongoing Projects
This new facility will support SCC’s ag and ag-related programs. Currently the project is in the private fundraising stage. Design and architectural plans are being finalized.
Completed Projects
Beatrice, NE – Students and faculty in Southeast Community College’s Agriculture programs are now housed in a newly-renovated building. The 9,600 square-foot, $1.5 million makeover to Agriculture Hall includes many improvements such as office space for faculty, classrooms and a conference room. The building was previously used by the private sector until SCC purchased it in 2018.
Hampton Construction was the general contractor, and Leo A. Daly completed the design work on the structure.

What: The first modern general purpose classroom building (Academic Excellence Center) on the Beatrice campus (60,000 sq. ft.).
Why: Create effective learning space for all academic programs. Expand space to allow growth in Nursing program, Academic Transfer offerings, and dual credit courses. Provide safe, healthy, and accessible learning environment. Create flexible space for Continuing Education classes, community events, and Board meetings.
Who: Academic Transfer (including labs for Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Agriculture, Business, Criminal Justice, Nursing, Continuing Education.
How much: Approximately $19 million.

Homestead Hall, a three-story residence hall on the Beatrice Campus, houses 152 students, both male and female, and has 25 four-bed single rooms, 11 four-bed double rooms, three two-bed ADA double rooms, one two-bed single room, and one room for the hall manager. Each room has a kitchenette area with a refrigerator, microwave oven and sink. Internet and television service also is available in each room.
There are two lounge areas, one on the first floor and one on the second floor. A convenience store is located on the first floor, just off the lobby area. There also are study areas located throughout the facility. Laundry facilities and a community kitchen are located on the garden (basement) level of the building.

The Kennedy Center underwent extensive remodeling, including the renovation and relocation of the Library Resource Center. The former space occupied by the LRC is now a one-stop welcome center for all of Student Affairs, including Admissions, Financial Aid, Registration, and Advising. The Business Office, career advising personnel, campus safety and security, continuing education, and campus administration also are located in the remodeled space. There also is a conference room located in the Welcome Center. The Center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
The former area used by campus administration was remodeled into a learning commons space near the LRC. Included is a tutoring center. Both open and private study spaces also were built for students. Also, the Testing Center relocated from Jackson Hall to the Kennedy Center.
What: An on-campus dining hall for students on the Beatrice Campus (15,000 sq. ft.).
Why: With the opening of Homestead Hall, a 152-bed residence hall, the dining hall opened at the same time.
Who: The dining hall seats between 250 and 275 people at one time and includes a private dining room that seats approximately 30 people. The general public also uses the facility, primarily at lunchtime.
How much: Approximately $4 million.