Vasey says goodbye to SCC after 35 years

After 35 years of service with Southeast Community College, Julie Vasey has decided to bid the college farewell and head off to a warmer climate. She and her husband Mark, who worked at the College for 25 years, are heading to Texas, where they can enjoy warmer temperatures and be close to extended family.
“I love Lincoln, but do not love the cold and snow that winter brings,” she said.
Originally from Nebraska City, Julie attended Peru State College and received her Associate’s Degree in Secretarial Science Technology. Since 1987 she’s worked at the Lincoln Campus in different roles, until she ended up at the Physical Plant, where she spent the bulk of her career. She started off at the Campus Office, assisting with room scheduling.
“It was all done on paper as there were no computer programs,” she recalled. “We still typed on electronic typewriters at that time! I also assisted Human Resources as each campus still had that role in their respective campus offices.”
Over the years, Julie has enjoyed the many acquaintances and friends she has made as well as the progress and growth at the College. Those that stand out include the building of the Career Academy, the Café/Commons remodel, Culinary and Course Restaurant additions and the new Health Science building.
“The biggest change for me over the years is the change from typewriters to computers,” she said. “I still took shorthand and used Dictaphones in college! I owe SCC and the many IT staff for the computer knowledge and skills I obtained over the years.”
Julie’s last day at SCC was May 13, 2022. It was also Mark’s last day as well as a custodian. Though they will be leaving Nebraska, they will be back often.
“The hardest part about moving is leaving my two grandsons, ages 10 and three, and my oldest son and daughter-in-law here in Lincoln, but it gives me a reason to come back to visit. When I do I will see all the great changes here at SCC."
Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist