SCC no longer requiring face coverings

Effective immediately, Southeast Community College will no longer require face coverings for students, staff, faculty, and community members who are fully vaccinated. Anyone who is not fully vaccinated is expected to continue wearing face masks in all SCC facilities in Beatrice, Lincoln and Milford, as well as the Learning Centers. Fully vaccinated individuals can continue to wear a face mask if it’s preferred.
“I have been incredibly impressed with how SCC has navigated this complex time,” said SCC President Dr. Paul Illich. “We continued to focus on our mission to empower and transform our students and communities through life-long learning opportunities. I know that we will be stronger, wiser and more adaptive as a result of this past year’s adversity.”
This follows the new Directed Health Measure, announced by the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department, that went into effect at 12:01 a.m. May 21 that does not include a mask requirement. The new DHM comes after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that fully vaccinated adults can safely resume activities indoors and outdoors without masks or distancing, in gatherings large or small.
Fully vaccinated is defined as two weeks after the second dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine, or two weeks after receiving the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist