Latest Graduate Report Published

Ninety-three percent of Southeast Community College students who graduated in 2022 found employment or continued their education, according to the 2022 Graduate Report published in March.
For decades, the College has published a report that centers on graduate employment/transfer outcomes. Dr. Paul Illich, SCC president, said the report represents one of the College's efforts to evaluate the success of its programs and the degree to which SCC is accomplishing its mission.
"We are committed to our mission of providing the highest quality applied technology and academic education opportunities to our 15-county service area," Illich said.
SCC had 1,301 students graduate in calendar year 2022, with 93% employed or continuing their education immediately after graduation. Eighty-nine percent of SCC's employed graduates are working in Nebraska.
"Remarkably, these graduate statistics are consistent with past graduate data," Illich said. "The 2022 graduates had approximately the same success and retention rates as past graduating classes."
Information about the post-graduation status of SCC graduates was collected directly from the graduates at or near the time of graduation and from the National Student Clearinghouse. The information was collected by the Career Services Offices at the time of graduation through personal conversations, classroom visits, telephone calls, emails, mailings, texts, and social media. The Career Services Offices reported that it has been more challenging to get students to respond since 2020.
Wage and employment information has been self-reported by graduates for their first job after graduation. Self-reported continuing education status was supplemented with information from the NSC. Twelve graduates completed multiple degrees in 2022.
One feature of the report is the salary chart listed by program. The number of degrees granted; the number employed in a training-related job; the number employed in a non-training-related job; the number continuing their education; those still seeking, not seeking or no response; the percent employed in Nebraska; and the average starting hourly wage and average starting annual salary is listed on the chart.
"SCC has a long history of ensuring that employers have access to qualified graduates who have the skills needed for successful and productive employment," Illich said. "SCC continually seeks to align its programs with the specific needs and requirements of employers and transfer institutions. We are committed to meeting the educational needs of our students, employers and the community."
Additional data points in the report:
- 86% (1,119) of the 1,301 graduates responded to the survey
- 83% of the 933 career/technical education graduates are employed
- 68% of the 188 Academic Transfer graduates who responded are continuing their education
- 95% of employed graduates are working in their chosen field of study
- 89% of employed graduates are working in Nebraska
- 69% of employed graduates are working in SCC's 15-county service area
- 82% of graduates who are continuing their education are doing so in Nebraska
In addition, a partial list of companies that hired 2022 graduates, as well as their positions, is included in the report.
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