Golf Tourney Fundraiser for SkillsUSA Set

A golf tournament to raise funds to help send Southeast Community College students to state and national SkillsUSA events is set for June 9.
Four-person teams will tee it up at 8 a.m. with a shotgun start in the Lincoln Charity Classic at Pioneers Golf Course, 3403 W. Van Dorn St., Lincoln. Check-in is 7:15-7:45 a.m. Awards and a raffle will begin around 1 p.m.
The 18-hole tournament is a four-person scramble. Cost is $360 per team if registering by June 1 and $400 per team if registering after June 1. Can't find enough for a team but still want to play? The individual registration cost is $90. Individuals will be paired into teams.
Entry fee includes lunch and a cart. Lunch will be served during play. Mulligans and raffle tickets for will be sold the day of the tournament.
To register, go to
The Southeast Community College Educational Foundation SkillsUSA Charity Classic will fund scholarships for SCC trades and industry students attending and competing in SkillsUSA conventions and competitions.
SkillsUSA is a national student organization serving individuals enrolled in career and technical education programs at high schools and colleges in the United States. SkillsUSA's mission is "to develop our members into world-class workers and entrepreneurs, as well as responsible American citizens." SkillsUSA complements technical skill training with the development of employability skills that make a well-rounded employee and citizen.
Persons with questions are asked to contact Michelle Birkel, executive director of the SCC Educational Foundation, at 402-323-3411 or by email at A second contact is Charles Hildebrand, tournament organizer, at
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