Board votes to hold tuition flat, increase facilities fee

The Southeast Community College Board of Governors approved a $3 per credit hour increase in the Facility Fee for the 2022-2023 academic year, but held tuition at its current rate during its regular monthly meeting on Dec. 14. The motion was unanimous.
The rates established by the Board will take effect for the 2022 Fall Semester starting in August.
Nebraska residents will pay $102 per credit hour in tuition and $15 per credit hour in fees for a total of $117 per credit hour. Non-resident rates also increased $3 in Facility Fees, meaning those students will pay $123 per credit hour in tuition and $15 per credit hour in fees for a total of $138 per credit hour. Non-resident rates also take effect for the 2022 Fall Semester.
The additional $3 in fees will mean resident students will pay $3,510 for 30 semester hours (one year), a 2.6% increase over the current year.
The Board also set room and board rates for 2022-2023. The new rates represent a slight increase over the 2021-2022 fiscal year and depend on single or double occupancy.
Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist